Jan 10, 2001 23:34

Work was busy but productive today...the woman I work with is driving me crazy though...she sings little songs to herself and tries to correct me on matters that I know way more than she does. It's probably a pride thing...I hate to be corrected...especially when I'm

Saw Jim online tonight and talked to him some...he's a great guy. Miss our chats.

I gained X pounds after Christmas....OMG...well maybe over the past few months... I haven't been exercising like I should...I feel so bad...I'm turning over a new leaf tomorrow.

Went to the game tonight against the Washington Capitals....Wild kicked butt 3-0!!!!!!
Yelled a lot...ate a pizza....waved at a friend...went home...debated with HG about something...he thinks he won (but I really did).

I guess I'd better go to bed.....thanks for listening...hey....would you like to go get some coffee with me sometime?
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