Aug 08, 2004 11:10
This weekend has been pretty fun!
Friday- I went to tennis conditioning..then Kenz n Chantal gave me a ride to work. so i worked from 10-2. i had a really bad headache the whole day, i just thought it was cuz i didnt eat anything before tennis and then sarah told me that i was probably getting sick. after i got home i went to tays for a few hours so i could see her b4 she left for NC. then i came home and i felt like shit so i jus laid down.. i took my temp cuz i thought i was realy hot and sure enough i had a 103 i was up all night with a flu/cold thing that my brothers gave me..but i felt alot better when i woke up.
Saturday- Chantal came over! we walked up to Memorial and talked to Trav Andy n Blake..then we went to Shawns and chantal was hugry so we went to BK. after that we just came back to my house and talked. it was fun catching up on things.
Chantal went home.
then i went and watched a dumb movie!its all good though..after went and got ice cream. it was a fun day!
Today- well this morning everyone was hurring to get to the zoo cuz we also have company form TC down and they were all hung over.
so i have jus been hanging out..