The light is mine, its rays consume me.

Oct 07, 2008 09:03

Good morning! Just after six am here as I write this and the glorious light of a golden sun is pouring through my front door, my lovely frosted glass door. It has filled the room with an unearthly glow. My LRVH adoration this morning was joyous, and uplifting, with a bit more “oomph” than I’ve felt in a while.

“I have made a secret door into the house of Ra and Tum, of Kephra and of Ahatoor”.

Indeed I have.

My recitations of the verbal components of LRVH make my cockatiels chatter wildly; that’s what I get for naming them after Tahuti and Heru. That in turn sets of all the other birds… and wow do I have a bunch in care.

Magpies. So many magpies! (Seven, to be precise.) Various ages and stages, all of them eating me out of house and home. The amount of meat I will go though in the next six months will be staggering, mince and ox heart and chicken and not much for me. (Not that I want the ox heart.)

One anomaly to report: I have a “reverse” magpie in care. She’s not an albino, but she is oddly coloured and has a sightly different shaped head. I thought she might have been a butcher bird, but no. A different sort of magpie, out of its territory? Maybe. She’s smaller than the other maggies of similar age, and she had mild seizures for the first two days but thankfully they have stopped and she is acting normal in all other ways. She eats well; her appetite is increasing as is her interest in things going on around her. I’ve wondered if she could have been poisoned. Maybe she fell in a bucket of bleach- that may account for the funny feathers, and might be why she had the fits. I’ll keep taking her in for vet checks, but as it stands now (and until I know otherwise based on colouring and species and health) she is classified as a potentially unique and protected bird, and my step in the next few days will be to talk to parks & wildlife about having her classified as an educational animal.

Her name is Magpyewackett. LOL! (I don’t know why I am calling her “her”, the colouring maybe, but she is still to young to develop the gender identifying plumage and perhaps she never will. But she sort of feels like a she to me. She has nice manners but is very cheeky at times.

(That is Magpyewackett on the left, back to the camera, and a normally colored magpie buddy of the same age on the right. Such lovely birds! I adore their dear little faces and their vibrant personalities.)

Also in care: P.King the Wood Duck (a very hefty teenage duck now!), a kookaburra and a wattlebird who is missing a tail (but the tail is growing back quickly and he may be able to go in a week). The other birds- lorikeets, BFCS, crested pigeon and bronzewing dove are still here, but I am pleased to report that one of the scaly-breasted lorikeets ahs been successfully released.

(P.King Duck takin’ a swim!)

Speaking of fits: I am having some of my own: allergy season is here. Yuck. The usual spring symptoms are upon me: itching, rash, watery eyes, runny nose. Time to stock up on chloropheniramine maleate.

Been doing heaps of writing, still at work on the pagan theology book. Finished the two books I had brought in from the state library- Pagan Theology by Michael York and Paganism by Joyce & River Higginbotham. York’s book is stone cold, hands down brilliant, I am going to have to buy it one of these days. The Higginbothams’ offering is the same old tired crap of generic neo-paganism with only the barest mention of other paths, practices, ethics and so on.

Lots of review in progress, should be posting more soon, including another podcast review or two, and maybe the first of the website reviews.

I’ve been spending upwards of twelve hours a day on the book and its related research and the reviews, plus with the animal work my day is pretty much taken up and full to the brim. If only there were about six more hours in each day…

Weather is up & down. Stinkin’ hot one day, cool & rainy the next. Last night we had a windstorm that forced me to go out at midnight in my short nightie to secure the aviaries. Not fun, but at least it wasn’t raining. It was cold though! Ya think I’d have stopped to out on pants and a jumper, but I was concerned about the birdies and I came back in and cuddled up with a book under my quilts afterwards.

Current reading for October:

• Nature’s God by Robert Anton Wilson (The last in The Historical Illuminatus trilogy. My nighty-night fiction read. After this I’m onto either Fortunes’ Taverner stories of MZB’s The Firebrand)
• Jesus Freaks by Don Lattin. More research, not specifically pagan but important to my continued understanding of NRMs and dangerous sects.
• Before You Cast A Spell by Carl McColman. Reading it for review for w_t_r.
• Horary Astrology Plain & Simple by Anthony Louis. Quickly re-reading it for review on w_t_r.
• The Battle for God by Karen Armstrong. More theological research.
• When Religion Becomes Evil by Charles Kimball. Yes, you got it in one- even more theological research.
• Underground by Suelette Dreyfus. About computer hackers and the computer underground. Needed a bit of fun and a break from theology.

One last book-related note: I broke down and bought myself a present, a book I wanted to read for once: Devoted to You by Judy Harrow. It’s going to be a long bird season and super tight financially (saving up for another trip to Pakistan, Switzerland, the UK and the US), so I figured a little giftie to myself to see me though the next six months would be nice. If I don’t do it, who will? ;-)

Had an AHA!!! revelation yesterday thanks to layo. I love it when all those coincidences and synchronicities and clues finally come together and become a coherent, full picture. It’s a mind & soul orgasm, which I think is part of why this morning is so remarkably bright and amazing. It’s a tie-in with the 107, Poseidon, and Thelema (bulls & the paso doble too) which sounds like an odd combination but in my UPG, makes sense. I won’t relate it now; I am still writing it up and mulling it over, but to me it wraps up some loose ends and some godsmacks I’ve been getting lately.

And isn’t it convenient that tonight begins the monthly observance for Poseidon, according to the Athenian reckoning? There are no coincidences, it all happens for a reason, and in its season.

Hope all is well with all of you!

theology, magpies, lrvh, wtr, birds, poseidon, update

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