Oct 04, 2009 22:55
Okay, a brief update as I have been AWOL lately. ;-)
ATW doing well, and growing… in spite of the executive decision we made about not advertising it. New probationers and some mighty good ones at that. Nice to be experiencing this as I log back into LJ tonight and learn that the playgans and wannabes are at again in the drama stakes. It just supports my theory that most people who claim to be “pagan” or whatever, or practicing magicians are all actually playing at various sorts of fandoms and not at all embracing any sort of spiritual work (or any sort of work for that matter).
Paganism is not for all, it is for very, very, very few. Same with magick. 100 people may come at these things, and perhaps maybe one of those people will actually be meant to do it… and fewer DO do it. They think it’s a name and game, they miss the point. The drama is how they compensate for not “getting it”.
(To clarify: the fact that I am saying this here, and it'll show up on my friends' pages is testament to the fact that I think most of you are "the real deal". You all know the assholes to whom I refer... I tend NOT to friend them, or friend them back, or deal with them. So if you are on FL and reading this, you are tits in my book. To those reading this who aren't my "friends... well, some of you [b]are[/b] fucking posers. Now go away, it is past your bedtime.)
I feel justified and comfortable in my decision to limit severely any contact I have with others unless I know them to be long term practitioners. Thus far it is working well. I’m doing well, my paths are growing and evolving and WORKING. Now if all the stupid fluffy list would just fucking die already, we’d be back to where we need: the seekers will SEEK, those meant to find will find.
My big “project” is underway. I’ll reveal part two when it happens and catch you all up on part one as soon as I complete it. Let’s just say that life does indeed take us in strange directions, places we’d never expect to go.
Other than all this tame news, I have the flu. Go me! That’s what I get for moving to a whole new hemisphere of the globe with versions of the flu, and assorted colds that they don’t have in the hemisphere of my birth. I’ll get through them all eventually, but it’s still a shitty way to kick off spring.
Due to stepping down from my wildlife rehab work full time, I am having a quiet spring on the bird front: only five magpies, three kookaburras, three lorikeets, a willy wagtail, and four assorted pigeons/doves. It’s quiet, and I like it. Not missing it at all. Have just enough to do with these guys, and plan to keep it at this low level for the next few years.
Am hoping to get down to Sydney later this month to hear Lon Milo Duquette speak. *fingers crossed*
Hope all is well with everyone, batten down the hatches as I’m wagering that the playgan/magick wannabe drama won’t be over ‘til after NH Samhain/SH Beltane. ;-)
playgan drama,