Step 1. Put your playlist on random.
Step 2. Post the first line from the first 25 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing. (You can skip songs that are instrumental.)
Step 3. Strike out the songs when someone guesses correctly
Ok, so some of them are going to be really easy :p
1. Ah! Je veux vivre dans ce reve...
2. Glitter and be gay, that's the part I play...
3. I'm sailing away...
4. Ah, vos jeux mes ami, permittez-moi de grace de prendre part...
5. O, Ruggiero crudel!
6. Why I can take this sword here...
7. I hope you're happy!
8. Crudele? Ah, no mio bene...
9. Obiessons quand leurs voix appelle...
10. Ah! Son vergin vezzosa
11. How does she know you love her?
12. You've been a fool, but so have I
13. Oh, girls, girls, girls! Here are cavaliers!
14. O dieu Brahma!
15. Ach, ich liebte, war so glucklich!
16. Lay down your sweet and weary head
17. I feel you, Johanna!
18. You can't stop an avalanche as it races down the hill!
19. L'annello mio! L'annello (sp?)
20. Romance! A playboy who is born each spring
21. When you meet the someone who is meant for you...
22. Empty spaces, what are we living for?
23. I'm limited. Just look at me, I'm limited.
24. Can anyobody find me somebody to love?
25. We come on the Sloop John B...