- Don't all transsexuals look a little bit too much like Sandra Bernhardt?
- There's a crafting show on HGTV called "That's Clever" where they show people making all sorts of arts and crap. Honestly I think they should just call the show. "They're Lonely"
- Kevin Federline makes me wonder if Jesus died for our sins 'til the year 2004.
- According to a new poll normal sized American's have accepted fat people. Gee, what was your first clue?
- I really wish Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez all the same happiness that Scott and Lacy had.
- Theres a new movie coming out featuring a man who sexually preys on 15 year old girls on the internet. Who's the star of the movie? R. Kelly. Infact here's a quote from the film.
PixieXGurl: what do u like 2 do?
ClosetGuy69: im gonna piss on you. lol
-=Love To Those Who Deserve It, And Rainy Love To Those Who Like It=-
===Matt's Today List===
Person: Eminem (Rapper)
To Do Before You're Dead: #12 - Seduce your local UPS guy
http://www.jonathanlipnicki.comMatt Fact: Matt won his first match on Sunday
Thought: I've run out of good websites to plug by the way.