Title: An Unexpected Song: Part 2 - I Hope That I Don't Fall In Love With You
Pairing: Gwen/Owen
Rating: PG
Spoliers: None
Summary: The guy you're with has up and split, the chair next to you's free.
lon_dubhDisclaimer: I don't own anyone from Doctor Who. They belong to the BBC. If I did, they'd get to come out and play more often. And Rose wouldn't be stuck in some stupid alternate universe.
Authors Notes: This is the second in a series of 18 small fics I wrote as an exercise. Each one is based on a song from the fanmix posted
at my journal.
Part 1 - Toxic Gwen sat between Tosh and Jack, listening to them tell her some story about Torchwood. Owen watched from his place at the bar where he waited for their order.
She grinned broadly, showing the gap between her front teeth. Owen liked that imperfection in her beauty. He picked up the glasses the bartender set down, balancing them carefully and turned.
Gwen caught his eye, raising an eyebrow to indicate she was impressed he could carry so many at once. He noticed Jack had gone missing and the chair next to Gwen was empty. Owen set the glasses down on the table and sat down next to her.
She smiled softly at Owen and reached for her glass. Owen returned the smile, for once without sarcasm or meanness. He really did like their new recruit. He just hoped he didn't fall in love with her.