Title: Wounded
Pairing: Gwen/Owen
Rating: PG-13
Summary: After the events of Combat, Gwen and Owen have a little talk.
Spoilers: Up to and including "Combat".
Author's Notes: Thanks to my wonderful beta
Disclaimer: Don't own any of them.
'The difference was I was happy and that made the rest of you see how miserable you were.' )
Yeah, the monster (and its sequel, which I am apparently not getting out of writing and has been code-named "The Diane Project" (don't ask)) has just exploded from one, tiny, ill-considered joke about "Aliens Made Them Do It" and Stargate Fic clichés. And then what was going to be a minor, minor, one-scene long gag has turned into the fuel for the entire second half of the fic.
12,000 words and counting. And I think the sequel's going to be really truly terrifying when I get around to it. Tonight, I have to write my flashfic entry before giddygeek kicks my ass. I've met her in RL before, and I know she could totally do it if so inspired.
And honestly? Half of my problem is that I really don't have any self-control. I take these little ideas or off-hand comments and run with them, leading to massive universes that attempt to eat my soul. It's happened 3 times and counting in SGA fandom. I hadn't really expected it to happen in Torchwood. *Headdesk* I think I need to get around to making another Gwen/Owen icon soon. Just to pretend like I'm actually getting something accomplished with my fannish life. Because waxing poetic about how you're at X,000 words on the monster fic from doom becomes kind of suspicious if you don't actually publish said monster fic of doom periodically...
14,000 words and counting. I'm a dead woman. Especially given that the 3-piece sequel set (a duology & a single piece) has started taking conceptual form. So dead. Especially since this all needs to be finished before S2 starts airing, so that I publish at least the heavy ground-work before canon throws my theories out the window, which I have a strong suspicion it's going to.
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