Turns out I do have an account. There just weren't any stories posted there. :-) I have posted some of my Doctor Who fics there, but they're still in moderation. I've posted under the name Sun.
Heh! I didn't mean you *had* to upload fics just to make my reccing life easier. I really just wanted to make sure that I hadn't missed you, if you were already there. :)
You didn't make me. I'd been planning too for quite a while, it just took some prodding for me to actually do it. :-) I'm going to get all my Torchwood ones up there eventually too.
FYI, it's so much easier to upload fic to Teaspoon than to ff.net. :-)
FYI, it's so much easier to upload fic to Teaspoon than to ff.net. :-)
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