I'm having a hard time lately. I think about Buster occasionally but at least I don't cry. I think about having an almost 1 month old baby, and that makes me sad too. It is mostly fleeting, but does sometimes linger.
I am hopeful this month, but that scares me even more. I don't know if I can go through it again.
School is sucking my will to live. My grades are slightly sagging, but still in the A range. I really want that 4.0 again. My motivation is sagging right along with my grades. I even caught myself thinking, "so what if I get a B". Such crazy talk.
I want to be back on the boat. I miss room service and a butler. I miss just showing up for dinner whenever and not having to cook.
Blah. I know my life's not bad, but still.
So, what to do? Off to the casino. Hah. Just a one nighter, but we will get a free room. Hopefully it will shake me out of my blahs. In the meantime, I have 7 hours of lecture and 1.5 chapters to read AND take my final by Saturday, since we leave on Sunday. Good times.