(no subject)

Oct 08, 2005 17:01

i'm really glad my friends adore my moleskine; even though they may think i'm an elitist snob.

she really is beautiful, that book. a sleek, faux leather bound journal, sturdy and impressive. smooth, off white, slightly yellowish creamy pages. a handy elastic band that snaps ever so satisfyingly against the cover after i've done some work in her.

i was so afraid to mar her pages, but i thought, damn it, you're mine, i paid rm 75 for you, and i'll use all one hundred pages of you any way i want.
by hurting my own pocket first, hopefully i'll break myself into owning moleskines easily and not fill the ones i'm receiving as a gift later with rubbish.

so far i've gone through my ancient reader digest magazines (dating back to the 70's) where they used to have stunning artwork on the back covers, instead of canon adverts. i ripped away the artwork and am storing them away for future use. right now, i really like pierre august renoir. his 'luncheon of the boating party' is a really lovely piece.

i also keep a guide to writing well with tips from strunk and white's, stepehn king, george orwell and erningston (or something) in the cloth pocket. hopefully they'll save my soul before i succumb to such dastardlies as 'the long and short of it' or 'rhetorically speaking'. heh.

it's the eighth of october, and i am lonely. anyone of you feel like hanging out in december? i promise i'll be nice and fun and witty and not boring. be my company. since i can't afford a plane ticket to where some of you dearies live (america, uk), i guess this only applies to malaysians.

updates are sporadic as my SPM is in less than a month, so cheers to all of you, have a good time, and take good care.

and for what it's worth, cheers sam, it's our 1st year 9th month.
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