Deryaa fic by Ismae!

Aug 17, 2011 14:36

Well, it's been a rather long time, hasn't it? I keep wanting to get back to writing Diederich fic, but a) I don't even play WoW anymore, so that'd be a little funny, writing fic for a toon I don't even play; and b) I SUCK ASS at coming up with plotlines. I mean, it only remains entertaining for so long, talking about Diederich sitting in his Undercity penthouse scratching his balls with one hand and reading his girly romance novels in the other.

But anyway, despite my own dry well of fic, Ismae, who being a professional writer is much better at this than I am, wrote me some really lovely Deryaa fic last night, and at my begging and pleading has allowed me to post it. She and I like to do little fic exchanges where we give each other a character pairing and a prompt and then write little fics for them. I was giving her prompts that were random song titles from my iTunes, and so I ended up asking her for anyone x Deryaa, prompt = "Animal I Have Become." This is what I got. ^_^

For background, Deryaa was sold to a warlock at a very young age because his parents needed the money and could spare a mouth to feed. The warlock then began "training" him.

I’m an animal, Deryaa thought to himself. I’m just a rabbit or a cat. Maybe a dog, I could be a dog.

He paced, as much as the tight chalk circle on the ground would allow. It was meant to hold a powerful demon, but to a blood elf, it was just chalk. The thought occurred to him that he could step over the chalk line, smudge it, and he shuddered physically, remembering the power of his master’s curse breaking his body over and over again.

Animals don’t think, Deryaa said to himself. They don’t feel, and any moment that they are not in pain is a good moment.

His master started chanting, an elegant summoning and binding at once, and the air in the circle started to warm.

Animals know nothing, Deryaa thought. His body ached and he could hear a distant roar thundering in his ears.

I’m an animal, I’m just an animal, I don’t know what’s going to happen...

A scaled hand grasped his ankle and threw him to the ground as the thing climbed up out of what was once solid stone. Deryaa glanced at it for a horrified moment and then shut his eyes tight. It crouched over him, and he could smell its breath and feel the hot tongue that laved his face.

I’m just an animal, Deryaa thought desperately, and he prayed that the Light, which had never had any use for him, would make it true.

deryaa, ismae, ooc, fic

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