
May 28, 2010 09:54

((Probably the last set of Corinthiahn journals. I have a couple more I wrote but I don't know if I'm going to type them up. /shrug))


Diederich's nanny persists in coddling and fussing over him. There's no way he'll ever mature with that woman around. For all I know she's still suckling him at her tit and tucking him in at night. I will begin arranging her retirement tomorrow.


Diederich and I had quite a row when I sent his nanny away. His dependence on her is clearly quite unhealthy.

He actually attempted to raise his hands back at me and I think he might have meant to kill me. Though I appreciate this scrap of manly behavior, it is obviously unacceptable for him to show such disrespect for his Father.

At Yelizaveta's advice I have hired men to see to his punishment. Apparently there are men and women who specifically hire themselves out for this purpose to the upper classes for those who do not wish to attend to such unsavory affairs. Obviously the wet nurse was unable to appropriately keep Diederich in line.


The corrections men showed up this morning. They had Diederich unconscious and carted away before he could even say a word. Quite remarkable and professional.

One of the men stayed to work out the business details with me. I detailed the infraction and agreed upon restrictions (I specified no permanent crippling or maiming; I was surprised that was even an option but I suppose some children are quite bad).

They are quite discrete, and take the child to their place of business so that the family will not be disturbed by noise.

They asked how long he should be kept and I specified that 48 hours would be sufficient.

The other children seemed quite alarmed by this, save Ethelred who is generally unimpressed by anything, even at such a young age. I hope this example makes them more obedient.


Diederich has been the very soul of respect and obedience since returning from the corrections facility, if a bit jumpy. Happily he has also taken greater pains to keep the other children from misbehaving as well. It is good to see him take up responsibility.

Yelizaveta believes she may be pregnant. If so, it will be child number seven, after which there will be absolutely no more. I've tried to convince her to get rid of this one, but she insists on keeping it.


Lizavet gave birth to twin boys. They seem healthy, etc.

Of course it was another set of twins. Seven wasn't enough I suppose. Light Above, eight children. I casually mentioned to Lizavet that the twin girls might be old enough to marry off, but she became quite vexed with me. Apparently you have to at least wait until they hit puberty. I do not mind the quiet one but the loud one sets my teeth on edge.

I would look into marrying Ethelred off, but I have grown fond of her. Having her in the house is no hardship, if even a bit pleasant. She intends to become a warlock like her mother.

I'm going to look into sending Matthias and Terasinal off to Dalaran to study. Matthias is certainly old enough, but it might take some convincing to get Terasinal allowed to go with him. Perhaps if I allow his nanny to go with him.

matthias, diary, ethelred, aurelien, corinthiahn, terasinal, almandine

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