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Jun 27, 2005 08:04

After a very long time, I see this new found enthusiasm for upgrading my home box. Let it download ~500MB of stuff over night and ... *tadang* I'm now running on Debian 'sid'. For a while I've thought that I should go to 'sid' on my home box for the nice XFree86 stuff you get there. And its been like 5 months since I even apt-get upgraded my box. And in 5 months lots of things have changed -- 'sarge' is no longer 'testing' or even 'frozen'. Its darn Stable! Yuck! Who wants to be on 'stable' for a home box ;)

The only thing remaining is still my unending quest for a really cool integration of emacs with sawfish sawfish with emacs. (yes, superior software first... muahhahaha!)

debian, sawfish, linux, open source

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