Movie weekend

Feb 06, 2005 22:41

I watched "about" 5 movies during this weekend:

The Day After Tomorrow - About global warming and its consequences -- too dramatic / exagerrate (a la Deep Impact). But still not a bad movie. Cute female.

Independance Day - LOL! dudes, Don't fuck with my satellite(s). I will upload viruses onto your mother ship. and hey, I can fly an F16 with just four arrow keys and a space bar! (yeah, I've seen that movie... but that was in a 'pirated VCD' at my friend's place. Didn't watch it entirely back then)...

Farenheit 9/11 - Too biased (as can be obviously noticed from the kind of words used in the narration). Nevertheless, Insightful -- the part where .W.Bush is told that the WTC has been attacked and he is reading some kiddie books not knowing what to do.

Never die Alone - Moral of the Story: If at all you become _so_evil_ that you do Heroin never "lie down" with your face up. You don't want to choke on your own vomit (think of Jimi Hendrix and lots of other Rock stars who died on drug Overdose/puke). :-S

Kill Bill Vol.2 - fun movie. (Haven't watched Vol.1 before though)

Around the World in 80 days -- uh oh! forgot to dump the movie onto the disk! Didn't watch... though the DVD contained it! :(

Best "Masala" (in the descending order of Masala concentration): _Independance Day_, _Kill Bill Vol.2_, _The Day After Tomorrow_ and _Farenheit 9/11_

Price of DVD: Rs.40/-
Time spent: around 15 hours.
Total Masala in-take: priceless.

review, films

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