I want a twinkie, dammit.

Feb 28, 2011 17:46

Fuck you, Tallahassee, talking about twinkies at four this morning and infiltrating my dreams. I've been craving twinkies all damn day, no thanks to you.

In other news, actually ran some errands today. Bob's been an irresponsible dick about our money and our bills, and so my mom lent me money to cover the negative balance at the bank - but I'm letting the utilities go back at the house. Me and the kids don't live there right now, and it's his responsibility to keep it all covered. I might end up deciding to move back in and kick him out, but idk how I'd get the bills paid - or watch this gaggle while I hit the books again. I need a new degree, one that can actually work for me in this crazy job shortage in this crappy state. I was thinking something in radiology, or I might go get another four-year degree, like in English or something I could teach. Art, maybe? I'd like teaching.

OH and then I could maybe send the kids to that nice private Catholic school nearby! I'd probably get a discount on the tuition if I taught there.

IDEK. Mostly, I just want to be able to take care of myself and my babies. They deserve it, after all.

... Okay, getting emotional here, so I'm going to just. Go make something to eat.

OH YEAH and my new AIM handle is cry gasai cry. I should start reading on Future Diary again sometime, I know I can read it online, though I miss buying it. ;;

caring is fucking sharing, life goes on, crazy sun, babies, look an asshole in its natural habitat, broken shit is broken and shitty, crazy pregnant cravings, i'll be a bitch back, poor sun, cynical sun is cynical, random, venting rofl, yes i'm a crazy bitch, bob is a douche, sakujo!, why hello neuroses, adult is a matter of opinion, crazy ranting, insanity is my anti-drug, gah i'm mental, i think my catholicism is showing, who can understand this mess?, jesus fuck too many tags, facepalm~family

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