(no subject)

Dec 15, 2005 01:56

I came across some letters and poems... I felt like I had to update them in my own mind. In doing so a bit got on paper. If you don't alrready know... please don't ask... I'm sorry but tis is just my way of erasing it all. Love you guys!

How could you do this to me
Didn’t you know how much you meant to me
Didn’t you have any freakin clue
I pray that you were oblivious
I pray that you were a complete idiot
Don’t get me wrong
You’re and idiot either way
But knowing that you did that
With the knowledge of my feelings for you
It hurts too damn much
Id rather believe you were utterly brain dead
And I mean mentally, not due to alcohol
Alcohol is an excuse you could use way too much

Couldn’t you feel it in my touch
I thought I had felt it in yours
In your hugs
In your select words
In your endless eyes
I guess I was wrong
I guess our hidden time together meant shit
Or maybe I was just another
Like all the others
Except I’m not
And you know that
And it scares you
I’m different
Worry what I think
Guess if I know
Have at it
Come on, your not THAT stupid

I want to hate you
I want to slap you
And leave a red mark on your perfect face
I want to scream at you from the top of my lungs
I want to spill out my heart to you
Without any consequences
I want you to yell at me
Scream at me for even thinking you cared
The direct slap in the face obviously didn’t work
Try again
Try harder
I know you could do it
Do it damn it
Then maybe I could actually hate you

Truth be told
I don’t want you right now
The future is uncertain
But for now I want you to know the pain you caused
Without me telling you
I wish you could feel it
Its true, honest pain
I want you to know
Yet I don’t
Pity is a bitch
I’m already dealin with one bitch
That’s enough for now

Dec 15, 2005
Kathleen Kenny
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