Jul 21, 2008 21:30
I've looked through my options and I think I know what I'm going to do with myself next year.
I have a wonderful position as president again with an office this time and a vice president to assist me rather than a co president to fight me.
I'm trying to switch my figure drawing class so that I can continue to be president but that means I'll be waking up for classes at seven every morning. But that's okay, I think starting my day out with a nude figure would be glorious.
I want to feel more like an artist also. Instead of actual junior classes, I'm going to try for the independent classes with a favorite art professor. That way, I can avoid art classes that make me feel like a phony.
I might try out for the musical. Maybe if I inform them that I can't really sing but I can do every thing else quite enthusiastically, I might get a part.
I'm going to find a job. I might be either an Alfred Night Owl or part of the Phonathon team. It might help with a summer job.
There's one black studies class in Alfred and one Dictator class and I will try to take both. They're taught by the same professor and I've heard very good things about him and also very bad things. But seeing as I fall in love with professors so easily no matter what their style, I will end up enjoying his classes nonetheless.
I will join Poder Latino because I'm going to take care of Matthew. He probably doesn't need me but he's far away from home and I think we could be friends. I don't hate Kylie Minogue, which is a great start. Especially if he loves Madonna.
I might take a spanish class. I'll see if I can test out of Spanish one because my good friend Craig graduated and came back to teach it. I think it would be awkward because I know he'll pick on me the majority of the time.
I'm going to maybe persue Mr. Red Blanket. But the problem lies with his new status as a senior. Senior art students get so stressed for senior shows that a lot of them break it off with people they've been dating. The best I can do now is have a drunken hook up with him that won't go anywhere. I know I say how much I want to jump his bones, but I think I've grown out of one night stands.
I've had enough of convenient friends. I don't want to be forced to be friends with people in the same building. If I want to see someone across campus, I will go see them. If I want to go get Chinese, so help me, I can do it without an escort! This is modern day America in lil' Alfred New York. A young lady does not need a chaperone at this time and age. Even if the bear population is getting higher and higher, especially in Allegany County.
I'm going to start working out and swimming again. I won't have facilities like this after senior year and I'm going to take advantage.
That's what I'm going to do.