May 14, 2008 01:48
I'll be in NYC again for a meeting with an advertising agency. In the morning. Then home again the same day.
I looked in the mirror and thought I'd look really really good with very very short hair. Cropped and styled a little like Vanessa William's when she was in Light it Up except not blonde. What the hell was she thinking? Blonde, my God.
I really like purses now. It took me long enough, right? I have a nice purse that matches my nice shoes. For the meeting.
I miss nice people. I do. I miss you.
I actually can't wait to get back to work. I'm dreaming about my first paycheck and salivating at the thought of spending it on things I want instead of things I need. Well, half of it, anyway.
-Alejandra Beatriz Francesca Rosario Amarilis Gonzales-Cristobal
Still dreaming