Jun 13, 2006 18:07
... i went to my second doctors appointment today.
My blood test came back and all three (TSH, T3 and T4) hormones came back within range :D
The doctor felt my neck and my glands and made me swallow and everything and said he thinks that the swell is probably just fat deposit!
Have I ever been happier to hear that I'm just getting fat???
I finally got my project for the summer, after successful performing a protein assay and running a pretty nice western blot entirely by myself last week!
I will be creating DNA mutants of caveolin and Na/K-ATPase and then have them transferred into bacteria and do PCR and then express it and run gels on it and isolate it... to try and figure out how caveolin and Na/K pump interact with each other. It's great. I got to smear bacteria onto agar medium petri dishes today... that's right! :)
The thing that put a damper on my day - Aaron's feeling icky :( he told Stef he's been throwing up all day and left work early. Ah, that maternal instinct is going to ruin me! If I could, I'd walk to Findlay, damn it!!!
I hope he's doing alright :-/