well, we're about 2 weeks away from heading overseas and I"m starting to think about what I'm going to have to bring. We went out this weekend and bought a backpack for me.
I had only two real features that I wanted in a backpack. The first was that it had a detachable day pack for when we're touring around during the day and the second was that I wanted it to have a cover for the backpack straps for when we're flying. This one had both and more!
It looks like this except this one is the 70L and mine is just 60L. Mine is also the "elle" version, meaning it's shaped a little differently than the men's version. It's got adjustable shoulder straps, a really nice, padded waist strap, a lumbar pad, and then two detachable packs: one is a day pack (a little tiny backpack on the top of the front of the bag and the other is a toiletry/waist pack. The inside has a bottom compartment (that can be opened up to the main compartment) and a divisable main compartment.
So, that being said, I need some help for packing. We're going for 10 days, we'll be in Paris, London and Edinburgh. I'm pretty sure that the weather will be "mild" (about 5-7C) and probably rainy.
I'm not entirely sure what I'll need to pack. There's the obvious PJ's, undies, and toothbrush, but I'm a list kind of girl and I don't know where to start!