(no subject)

Nov 11, 2005 02:08

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1) What mental disorder does mrsnower remind you of? deillusions
2) Is verpa an emo? no
3) Is verpa introverted or extroverted? introverted
4) What is sennheiser's favorite movie? i don't know
5) What is lived02's favorite game? i don't know
6) Is il_pazzo athletic? no
7) What do you agree with tyledras about? a lot
8) What do you disagree with parsley17 about? a lot
9) Does sir_montag have a dog? no
10) What comic book character would mexicanprophet be? i dread to think
11) What song/movie would you recommend to mexicanprophet? serenity
12) Would la_vita_nuova be a better ninja or pirate? pirate
13) If shawninkorea had a superpower, what would it be? taking all of the protein out of people's bodies
14) Is louishopen single? no
15) What flavor of jello would tyledras be? tomatos and bread
16) Is verpa related to envyandrave?
17) Is tyledras a high school student? no
18) How long have you known uccellina? almost three years
19) If bellatrixian_me commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? happy, sleepless med students
20) What would sennheiser do differently in your shoes? be more skeptical
21) Is sennheiser in a relationship? yes
22) Does wogie do drugs? no
23) If melissacaritas and lived02 were spliced together, what would be its name? ??????? (no really)
24) Is lived02 your best friend? not quite
25) What would parsley17 give mexicanprophet for his/her birthday? alochol and food
26) Thoughts on tyledras? three-like theological silliness
27) Does louishopen know dogs_n_rodents? yes
28) What is envyandrave's biggest flaw? hi envyandrave
29) How tall is tyledras? rather
30) What is shawninkorea's favorite color? ????? (not really)
31) Is verpa friends with sir_montag? I think so
32) Is dogs_n_rodents a nerd? some what
33) What rank would melissacaritas have in a giant robot army? private
34) What word best describes wogie? osmosis
35) What video game does envyandrave remind you of? tribes
36) Does louishopen travel a lot? around Iraq
37) Which of your friends should la_vita_nuova go out with? sir montag
38) How would quickzilverfox kill parsley17? poisoned sandwich
39) Is bellatrixian_me related to you? no
40) Where would uccellina most like to visit? oregeon
41) Has lived02 been to your house/dorm? no
42) Is la_vita_nuova popular? somewhat
43) Where was sir_montag born? ohio
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