Jun 28, 2011 19:05
[Suddenly, a small brightly dressed fairy can be seen on screen, fluttering in mid-air pulling his jestery-like hat off his head and glaring at the Rowan crown.]
Sugar! How many times have I told you not to put these things on my hat?! It's gross! I'm not a princess or whatever!
[He manages to pull the crown off his hat and toss it to the ground, angerly. Salt's sour face fades quickly as he glances around. His eyes catch the device on the ground and he flutters down to it to get a closer look.]
What's this? A weird piano or something? I didn't know they made them small enough for fairies!
[Salt picks it up and begins pressing the buttons, accidentally switching it to text]
hhjkyoulqfrumlhba109AEKGCVN .........,,,,,,,,,D;'][-0QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJLKL;LZXCVBNM,./'\`1234567890
[Switching back to Video; Salt is now humming a song while he fiddles with it more, sitting. He pouts after a moment.]
Aww! This piano must be broken! It's not making any music at all!
Saga! Hey, Saga!
[Sitting up, he glances around again before recalling that he's somewhere he hasn't ever seen before]
Saga? Sugar? Pepper?
Are you guys lost again?
what's this?,