
May 16, 2010 18:30

This is the first chapter to my story Sand Castles.
I'm going to leave my story chapters public, so others that stumble across my journal and read and maybe become interested.

"I hate you! I wish you would just die!"

Those were the last words Alex said to his mother as he ran out of her hospital room. He never understood why he still kept visiting her if she would never change, no matter how much medical help she had.

He slowly came to a stop when he thought he was far enough away from his mother. Alex leaned against the wall, looking out the giant glass window next to him at the busy roads below of Orlando, Florida. Oh how he wanted to move to Kentucky and live with his older brother, then he could get away from everything and live the normal life of a seventeen-year old.

The faint sound of a piano interrupted Alex's thoughts. The melody was soft and comforting, almost as if the song was trying to reach out to help him. Without hesitation, Alex began walking to find the source of the sound. As he walked down the corridor, the song began to play more loudly and with more force, as if to express anger of some sort. He started into a sprint and gradually started running, the music getting louder and more fierce by every passing second.

Then it stopped, and so did Alex. He looked at his surroundings, only to see he had ran to the end of the corridor. There was a huge window on his right and to his left was a room, the door left slightly open. He pushed the door open just enough for him to squeeze in, and made his way inside. The first thing he noticed was that the giant window in the room was open and the curtains were floating on a light breeze that was flooding into the room.

Alex was so intrigued by this, he almost didn't notice the girl laying in the hospital bed.

"Who are you? And what are you doing in my room?" asked the girl. Her skin was pale, which worked well with her sea blue eyes and her auburn hair that went halfway down her back. She had an hourglass figure, from what Alex could see. It was hard to tell with the light green hospital gown she was wearing.

"Name's Alex. Sorry, there was something about this room that caught my interest."

"Well you can leave anytime," she snapped with a glare directed at him.

"You seem lonely, though. Mind if I stay and talk with you?"

"No, now please leave. I don't like strangers coming into my room. You must be here visiting someone, right? Go talk to them."

Alex shut his mouth and sat in a nearby chair. His hands intertwined with each other and laid across his legs. "I would if I didn't hate her. I can't stand my mother."

"Then go home. Obviously, I don't want to listen to you and you don't want to see your mom. There's really no point in staying here."

He looked over at her and before he said anything he noticed she was shaking uncontrollably and she looked as if she was in a daydream that she couldn't awake from. Alex rushed to her side and shook her a bit. "Hey, are you okay? Hey!"

A nurse came into the room. "I heard someone shouting, is everything alright?"

Alex replied, "I don't know. I looked away from her and then back and she started shaking and she can't hear me."

"Help, I need nurses in here!" the nurse shouted out into the hallway. She walked over and told Alex to step out into the hall and let her take care of it. He did as he was told and waited.

- - - - - - - - - -

After two hours, which seemed like forever to Alex, the nurse from before came out. She told him that the girl was just having a seizure and was now asleep. She would be back to normal by tomorrow, possibly even sooner than that.

"Can I see her?"

The nurse smiled. "She's never had a visitor. Are you a relative?"

Alex shook his head. "This might sound crazy, but I heard a piano playing and when I tried to find who was playing it lead me here. I don't even know her name." He walked over to the girl's sleeping figure. She looked so peaceful, compared to when she was glaring at Alex.

"Her name's Angela. I'm guessing she acted like she hated you?"

Alex looked at the nurse, surprised. "Yeah, she did. How did you know that?"

She moved some of Angela's hair from her face. "She acts like that towards everyone, even the doctors. Angela doesn't want anyone to be dear to her."

"And why is that?"

The nurse paused, still looking at Angela, then looked at Alex. She looked as if she was about to cry. "Because Angela's dying, and we can't do anything to save her."

#story, , !!public

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