Darling, shouldn't I be the one wondering?

Jan 09, 2008 20:10

So. Yeah.

No brain outside of bandom and photography. It's kind of sad. Someone save me from excessive photo editing and spazzing about getting my photos printed so that I can actually fucking have that show and sell them and....



Here's fic for those into it! For those that aren't, I'm sorry I'm too lazy to make a filter for it. Truly. ♥

Title: Observation
Author: sunshinepill
Rating: NC-17
Fandom/Pairing: MCR, Frank/Gerard
Summary: Highschool (age) AU. Frank and Gerard are very awkward, very queer, and very barely legal in this land of pretend.
Disclaimer: Not true, don't sue. Also? Not mine. At all. Ever.
A/N: Many sparkly, shiny naked dancing strippers thanks to 1001cranes for making me look as literate as possible. ♥

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