Ok, so I'm writing this story
agikito and it's got me thinking about balance. Mainly because it's about the most insane polyamorous relationship (of Doom) ever. No, really. It's craziness. But that's not really the point. The point (I think) is balance. How being with one person makes another person necessary for balance.
This sorta got me thinking about bisexuality. If I'm forced to label, that's what you'll hear me call myself nine times out of ten. So I was wondering if a part of being bisexual is like... needing balance. Though I suppose the sense of balance would extend more into the idea of bisexual person being poly. That is, if I were in a relationship with a man and a woman simultaneously. Which I could honestly see myself doing. And that probably just confirmed a bunch of random people of just how greedy I am. *snerk* Anyway, it's interesting to think about, the idea of balance in a romantic relationship and it involving more than two people. Perhaps having the "extra" person/people be integral to the relationship. Like, there'd be no A & B without C.
Something I was thinking about was that Queer by Choice site. I came across it again recently and it made me wonder if people can be straight by choice. (There's probably something simmilar and I just haven't been paying attention or whatever) Personally, I don't exactly agree. But I don't necessarily believe there's a "gay gene" or whatever, either. In fact, I tend not to think too hard about why people are or aren't queer in the first place. But me being me, it seems natural to think that it would work both ways. Or maybe I'm just projecting my own experience. I was heading into my second year of highschool before I was honestly attracted to a guy. Like, really. So would this mean that I made a choice not to be attracted to them and chose to be attracted to girls instead? Or did I make a decision at some point to be attracted to guys and the attraction to girls was already my... starting point?
Also, I've got a bag of caramel creams and I'm not sure how many I've eaten anymore, but now I'm just sucking the cream out of the center. Guess who isn't sleeping tonight!
Aren't you glad to have me back? *snerk*