Apr 04, 2005 00:04

I got into UM LAW!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!

I found out Wednesday, and I was jumping around my room like a crazy person screaming! My roomie and suite mates made a big poster and put it outside the door! It's so sweet! It says "Congratz Rachel on getting into Law School! We're Proud of you!"

There was a law school open house on Friday, and I can't wait til fall!!

Today was my last DD open house. It went really well, but I'm sad that I'm graduating. I know I'll still be around helping out, but it won't be the same. But I know Joe is going to do an amazing job!

I got an email from Marah the other day. It was so great to hear from her and all the stuff she's doing abroad. I miss my Marah Jane!

EAB elections are tomorrow. I's so nice not to be stressed out about them cuz there's nothing I can run for. although if no one wants grad rep, I'm gonna take it. I want to stay close with all my CoE orgs, but at the same time I can't be looking backward. I need to look forward and get involved with Law School orgs. which are awesome, and there's a huge list of stuff I want to get involved with!

I have so much work to do this week it's ridiculous!

I have a test on my birthday, an abstract due that same day and a take home due the next day. So needless to say my birthday is going to suck major ass!! oh well I'll make up for it later and hit the town with my friends. The weird thing is I almost forgot about it. I've been so busy and I'm not counting down the days like last year. it's just kinda like "oh! I have a birthday. too much work I'll worry about it later"

I'm so tired. I think I'll turn in early and work on all my shit tomorrow.

laters peeps!
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