Jan 21, 2008 02:30
Oy, I don't think my lips have ever been this chapped in my life. I went out today, it was -20 and the wind was absolutely absurd! It was like I was having a dream that I was running but wasn't moving anywhere and couldn't breathe. By the afternoon it got a little less windy and went up to -18, but still, hello frigidity.
I have an anthro outline due this morning and yet I'm still up. It's done, but why the frick am I not sleeping? Oh well... I'll pay for it tomorrow, and then have a nap when I get back from humgeo (OHHH!! I was looking at my tags and was like "What the heck is Humeo?!" but now it makes sense. It's humgeo... I gotcha).
Last night I was up really late making a list. I went though my BNW, wrote down all the names I'm not opposed to using (there were 127 of them) and then said all them outloud. There is 29 that I thought I could use on my own child, and 10 of those I would use as a first name. It's crazy I cut 107 names off a list :o/ There were a few of them that just made me laugh out loud. I couldn't help it, I was just like "MacHAHAHA!!! No...", or "George *snort* um, no". It was involuntary, and I love those names, but I'm glad I figured this out now. I'll have to do it for girls sometime soon too.
I find it really strange I can say something like Gunnar or Stanley and not giggle, but I lost it at Mac :o/ Weird.
And then I think out of those, I would only seriously *really* want to use Alasdair (I imagined it last night, and he was this little blonde kid decked out in argyle and a golfer's hat <3 He was the cutest halucinated toddler ever), Arthur (it feels oddly right), Edmund (obviously), Frederick (that also feels oddly right), Oscar (even though I forgot the C the 4 times I wrote it out last night) and Simon (like Simon the Lifeguard/Simon the hot farmer).
I have another 7 years at last before I have to break out the serious naming side of myself (which will be scary!), and I'll have to reckon with the guy I marry, so this all may (/will) change... and that makes me sad. I feel like all the thought I put in to names now will go to waste because I'll fall in love with a guy who is unreasonably stubborn and has horrible taste in names and I'll have to settle for something I don't want to use. But I can't give naming up. It's too much of an addiction :o/ Quelle domage!
Hey, good news, they had 6" pies at the grocery store today! So obviously I got one. And now I have a Cheerio addiction, especially with honey on 'em <3 So good.
My dad comes back from Denmark soon! He went to the Hamlet Castle yesterday, which is pretty exciting.
Okay, really? 2:45 am? I've already lay in bed for 3 hours. I don't get why I couldn't fall asleep in 180 minutes.
Holy Windburn/Insomnia/LongRamblyEntry, Batman!
the weather