Dec 15, 2003 00:07

I thought my account had been closed but I was typing in the wrong screen name, of course. Well its winter break and I'm oh so excited cause I can stop worrying about my grades. Well my teacher emailed me and told me that I got an A in the course and then a few days later said he regraded one of the tests and said that I got a different grade on that one test. I think teachers need to get things straight cause if they tell you that you received an A in their class they should stick with it not be a take backer. FAULKER. Well xmas shopping is over. I went to my friend Adam's Birthday dinner with his family on saturday night and we ate at P.F. Chang's, which I didn't really care for. I wanted Mimosa. tear. It was all fun until Adam got obsessive about this boy he likes that didn't show. I wish him better luck. Joshua called me the other day which was nice but I wanted to hang out and he could not cause of "other things" he had to do. BULL. After Adam's dinner we went to Kat's pad and I hung out all of two seconds cause I didn't want to deal with all the weirdness. One guy was like, "I'm really drunk," and starred at me. But I knew he was gay but he seemed like he was having doubts at the moment. I miss William, Marian, and Jenny but something odd with them, especially Marbear. I get to go take pictures of the cemetary on MLK tomorrow with Natalie, hopefully. CROSS FINGERS. Abby have you gotten back from Houston yet? Well I'm gonna go for now.
Ja, Mata(later)
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