May 01, 2005 22:43
So Friday night I went clubbing with Heather M and her boyfriend John. We went to Longstreet. I had a really fun time with them. LOL A Mexican guy danced with me and like "melested me" on top of my clothes and was kissing my neck which was really creepy and I danced with one of Mike's computer geek friends who was there alone and he basically humped my leg like a dog in heat forever and he also kissed my neck. I was like wow the Mexican and the geek like made out with eachother pretty much lol it was sick! After clubbing we went to Steak-n-Shake and freakin waited forever to get waited on and then when we finally got our food it was discusting. We ended up just walking out without paying because our waitress never brought us our check and we were tired of waiting. So Friday was fun.
Saturday I went to Prom with Chris and Karen. I took them both as my dates so I was double pimpin it lol. We had sooo much fun dancing and hanging out. I am really glad that I decided to go after all. Karen saw a lot of people she knew and that she had graduated with which was cool. Karen and I taught Chris how to dance lol. He had both me and Karen dancing up on him it was fun. There were lots of Marines at Prom I think they were watching the parking lot and helping chaperone the dance. They were all hotties!! Karen and I were like drooling over them the whole time lol. We even had Chris take a picture of us standing beside one. The music was great and it was awesome! I saw my ex boyfriend there Jason now that was a little bit odd considering how our relationship was and how it ended but I hugged and talked to him and was nice just for the sake of not ruiening the nice night. Titus was also there lol with his new girlfriend this girl who use to be in my Anatomy is now dating him good luck for her on that one lol. Karen you looked really nice in your dress and light up shoes we made a good pair. Chris you looked dashing, you should dress up more often :). I had a great night with my two dates. I can't wait to get the pictures back. We took our own pics and i am going to try and get those developed tomorrow and post them on here tomorrow.
After prom Karen, Chris, Andy, Craig, me and two of Andy and Craig's friends all went midnight bowling at Gahanna Lanes. It was very interesting to say the least. Andy and Craid spent most of their time in the bar and Karen, Chris and I all bowled. Well me and Karen were dancing and one of the guys to our right came over to me and said I will give you ten dollars if you strip for me and I was like fuck no not for 10 dollars you have to be kidding me. So he went back to his table and he got a HUNDRED DOLLAR BILL and laid it out in front of me and was like if you get on top of the table strip and dance I will give you a hundred dollars. I was like damn that would be nice right now and we all know I'm not shy but I am also not a slut so I turned him down. I mean come on I go to that bowling alley like every weekend to bowl I don't want to get banned there for life esp since I use to work there and my best friend still works there. I thought it was hilarious but also discusting I'm thinking they were drunk or something. We ended up leaving bowling early because Craig and Andy had wayyyyyyyyy to much to drink and Craig got really sick and was throwing up. Well lets just say that I ended up being the sober babysitter to the two of them all night making sure they were ok and Karen helped me out to after she took Chris home. They both had hangovers togay Craig's was worse though then Andy's. I'm just glad that Craig is ok I was really worried about him and didn't know if I should have taken him to the hospital or not but everything worked out alright. Sorry about that part of the night Chris. Andy was pretty entertaining though and if u have seen Andy drunk then you know what I am talking about.
I got home today around 2pm and after being up all night I freakin crashed until like 5pm and then Karen and I went and picked up Fazzolis or however u spell it and then we brought it back to my house and we had Craig come over for dinner. Karen was going to make some lasagana but yeah we were to lazy so we went and bought it. We watched T.V. till 10pm and then Karen and Craig left and Andy is staying here tonight. I had such a great weekend yay!! My next day of work is on Tuesday so that is something to look forward to and I only have 4 more weeks of school left YAY!!! There is tons more I could say about last night but we are not going to go there lol. -Becky-