Dec 02, 2003 18:51


I won't be online for a week. Apparently my mom thinks I spend too much time online. Therefore, I am not gonna be on AIM or updating my LJ for the next week. I will miss you all. But please make sure to leave plenty of comments for me to come back to. I guess it would be for the best if I'm not online that much anymore. I do spend too much time online. I get my homework done but other than that im either watching tv, or talking way too much online to people. So gimme a call and I would love to hear your voice. Don't all make me feel lonely.

I don't think I'll survive a week without my LJ or AIM, so I am expecting hundreds of calls from all you guys. I guess I will be able to get much more done without so much time being spent online. Don't miss me too much. I will be going online to check my email everyday though.

So if you want email me My email address is

Make sure to leave your first and last name on the subject though, so I don't be stupid and delete it!!!

Hopefully, those of you who read my journal aren't mad at me. But I love talking on the phone or getting emails. So yea ask me at school or whatever for my number if you would like to call me!!! I would appreciate it muchos!!!

Just remember this: a week could pass by really really fast or really really slow!!!
Leave me comments...doesn't matter how many you leave but then I know that you care, and that you do actually read my entry. Any comment would make me love you so much!! The more the merrier!! :)

<3 X a million for all the days that I won't be able to say that!!!
comments and comments :)
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