May 23, 2006 14:07
I've had a LJ for a few years now. Last year I got my first userpic...then just yesturday I learned how to get a whole bunch of user pics...pretty cool. But now, I want to put pics in my entries. I've had a very nice & paitent fellow LJ'er trying to explain how to do this stuff. And finally I figured out how to do it ! Now...only downside..I've been uploading them from my desktop...and apparently they need to be from a site, because people can't see pics from my desktop which makes sense...So now I venture over to and will attempt to figure it all out. (again) So thought I would let ppl know just so if you look on my journal and say "where's the pic?"'s cuz I am sucking at LJ ...funny thing is this might just end up being as easy as myspace pics, that I once thought were so difficult. Just a lil' random update...Hopefully the next time I post it will have pics !