May 14, 2006 20:51
Still insane amount. It's not even enjoyable anymore. It's down right annoying...and scary. I hate the fact that our parking lot was finally getting a break and now it has to start pouring again. I used to love the sound of the rain, the smell, everything about it. Now, I just want it to stop. I'm sure I will feel differently when/ IF the rain ever stops but for now..I'm done with it. I just want to wake up tomorow and have the sun coming in through my window, I want to be able to walk through my parking lot again, check my mail, say hi to my neighbors without having to ask how there pump is working. This sucks, I HATE the sound of the rain right now, I don't even want to go to sleep listening to it. I don't think I will be able to sleep. I just want it to STOP. I can't even focus on or be excited about the fact that tomorow New super mario bros. game is out...this sucks. I'm off for now...I don't know what I'm going to do. Maybe lay in bed for the next few hours...I just want the rain to stop.