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Jan 12, 2005 12:28

people are so hard to understand sometimes... its like once you think you understand someone they go and do something you wouldnt ever think that theyd do... its very interesting, the way that people work... and itll be amusing to see how many other people i think i have all figured out but actually dont... sometimes i think its not me... sometimes i think its the people... they do odd things for no reason and sometimes these things really are out of character for them... its like, people just show you this fake person and you choose to accept that as them, and then they do something really mean, or stupid, or rediculous and their real selves come out and are exposed to the world... its like hello?!?! we all know ur faking it now... and no one knos the real you, and now no one likes you because your so fake, immature and uncaring... i dont kno... how do people get themselves into these kinds of situations, im not really sure... i think its the media... the media and society makes people the way they are and it really makes me sick to my stomache... ew... all you fake ass people suck...

on a better note... its exam time... and yes that it better for me because it means the school year is half way over... that makes me thrilled... and i only have to take four of my midterms... and that excites me even more... and ive had the entire week off from work... i have so much free time i just dont kno what to do... actually, i probably should have been doing all of my exam prep but yea, i take my free time and sit there and think about the stuff i should be doing and just stress out about... whatever... this semester is just done... next semester is going to be interesting... i go from haveing 2 study halls to haveing none... its going to be bad...

bye for now...
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