Mar 26, 2008 00:05
no just kidding. I was just in control of who got tv's or not for the senior show lol.
my spring break is over *boo* means you guys will prolly not see me much for the next month and half. I will be in Irvine this weekend to complete my root canal and then after that I'll be holed up in my studio. When I come out I'll have black teeth, a hunch back, blistered fingers, and have gone blind, but my senior show will look AMAZING! hopefully...
My goal this week is to finish my invitations so I can send them to you all. I kinda feel bad about it cause Jessica already booked her flight to come see my show and I haven't even sent her an invitation yet! WOOHOO!
Just FYI before invitations fly out the mail box it will be May 9th prolly around 7 or 8pm till 10ish and then we'll have a BBQ at my house... or at least my mommy will cause she will go to my house early ^^ I might change that to a dessert and cocktails thing since its so late, but I'll decide that latter heh. And then bright and early the next morning I'll walk down that graduation aisle still kinda drunk...
May 9th May 9th May 9th May 9th May 9th May 9th May 9th May 9th May 9th May 9th
Keep in touch pwease! I will be in dire need of some human contact :)