Cautiously optimistic

Jul 18, 2012 21:10

Had my first real prenatal doctor visit today. The results were in for the bloodwork and my hormone levels are increasing as they should! I have my first ultrasound in just over 3 weeks. As long as that goes well, we will be good to go! I am certainly apprehensive, this early dating ultrasound was when we discovered last time that the pregnancy was ending.
The doctor was completely matter of fact. He doesn't see any problems or why this shouldn't be a completely normal pregnancy. He told me to just relax and enjoy. Easier said than done!
I just wish my job wasn't so stressful. We are currently very short staffed and with such a green team. I have been working 10 or 11 hour days with basically no breaks. I am so grateful that I have the rest of this week off and then 2 weeks of vacation! I just need to make it through the next 6 months or so and then I will have a year off!
I am thinking that I will not go back to my same role. I would ideally only go back part time. We will have to see how James' job goes, he needs a couple of raises!
I went a bought a pair of maternity shorts today. We are actually going to Mexico in September! Just like last time, we booked before I was pregnant. I'll actually be about as far along as I was last time too! Hopefully that bodes well for this pregnancy!
I certainly am having lots of early pregnancy symptoms. Nausea, bloating, headaches. As uncomfortable as they are, I am relishing the proof of this baby.
There is definitely stress about the way another baby will change our lives. Change is always good, it just isn't always easy. At least we have a 3 bedroom home. So much more room than our place in Vancouver!
Heading to bed, so exhausted!

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