Dear Pat Robertson,
I totally forgot that Saturday is earth day until I saw a little tree in the corner of a room that I had bought to plant for earth day. I had also forgotten that I had even bought the tree, and consequently am unable to plant it because it is dead!! Oops! Sorry Earth! Oh well. As you've shown me, the earth really isn't as important as some people think it is.
I was reading the
Evangelical Climate Initiative, which was signed by 96 Christian leaders, but notably not including yourself. The statement makes 3 highly irrelevant claims:
*1* "Human-Induced Climate Change is Real" - they base all of their evidence on "scientific data," which we all know to be untrustworthy. I mean, look at what the scientists say about human creation! WRONG!
*2* "The Consequences of Climate Change Will Be Significant, and Will Hit the Poor the Hardest" - there is no significant evidence to support this claim (see my comments to #1).
*3* "Christian Moral Convictions Demand Our Response to the Climate Change Problem" - they support this claim by using various passages of the Bible, such as Mt. 22:34-40, Mt. 7:12, and Mt. 25:31-46 to argue that Christians are obligated to care because we must "love our neighbors and do unto others as we would have them do unto us, and to protect and care for the least of these as though each was Jesus Christ himself." However, I'd like to point out that Christians are allowed be selective in whom we choose to apply our Christian moral convictions. Obviously, groups like the homosexuals aren't covered under this doctrine. We could just as easily exclude so-called "climate change sufferers" from our God-given duty to love all people.
So, I guess I'm glad you didn't sign your support away to such a misguided view. I find that your take on global warming makes a lot more sense to me.
You said:
"If you read back in the Bible, [Paul] said that in the latter days before the [apocalypse] that the Earth would be caught up in what he called the birth pangs of a new order" and that there will be some "difficult days" which will be like "what a woman goes through in labor just before she brings forth a child."
It's much more comforting to know that climate change is a sure sign that the world will end soon. It's just too bad that global warming takes so long to be a really destructive force. I guess I should go do my part now and drive around the town for a few hours with nowhere to go so I can emit my share of carbon dioxide for the day. God Be With You!