
Jul 05, 2008 21:42

What is up with me running into people I went to high school with!?!?!?!? This time I actually had a conversation with him. He asked what I've been up too, and I just said working and that I got married a few months earlier. He said congrats and that was that. Still....WRONG. This is insane. Okay. So that's my rant for today, I don't want to see that guy anymore. So the 4th of July ROCKED.

We went over to Kevin's, Karl had our fireworks, Kevin and his family had theirs, I watched and chatted with Kristine, my sister-in-law, then Karl and I went up on the roof to watch the fireworks, that was fun. Much better sight! The neighbor's has a TON of fireworks, I am serious when I say it was easily $5000 worth. They blew up 15+ watermelons with sparkler bombs. It was a mess, yet so much fun. Maybe next year I'll actually lite one of the fireworks? lol. Karl had fun though and that was my favorite thing of the night. Seeing him so happy, the in-the-moment type of happy, I love the look he gets in his eyes and on his face. He also played football with Kevin, Keith and the kids, and at one point it was Kevin and Karl vs Kristine and Me! The boys won hands down, but it was still fun.

Now I should really look at my lesson for tomorrow and then get some sleep, I know I'll need it! Tomorrow Kevin, Kristine and their kids will be over, I'm making taco-taters...aka...all the taco fixings with baked potatoes! It's yummy!!!!

Oh and I really want to play some WoW right now, but Karl can't find his password....damn....Sunshine ro.
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