Week 2 begins

Jan 10, 2010 17:12

Sorry I can't come up with more interesting titles for my entries.  I suppose I could, after I write whatever the hell I'm going to write the the text box.  Perhaps I'll try this next time.

So, the past week has been so-so as far as achieving my goals.  I cannot honestly say whether I've lost 2 lbs, although I hope so.  I'll be weighing myself at the end of the month, and the total weight loss should be about 8 lbs (bringing us to a total weight of 243).  I don't feel, however, that the fact that we've not been balls-to-the-wall with it is a precursor of doom.  Rather, I'm looking at it as room for improvement.  If I were scoring myself on a scale of 1 to 10, I'd score myself thusly on this past week:

Monday: 10
Tuesday: 5
Wednesday: 10
Thursday: 4
Friday: 4
Saturday: 2
Sunday: 2

And I'm detecting a pattern.  On the days when I eat right, do not "cheat" or slip, get in enough protein, etc, I have plenty of time and energy to exercise.  On the days that I do not manage to eat enough or right, I don't, so I don't go to the gym.  So for this week, I will do the following to help myself:
1. Pre-prepare meals at home so that I can grab them and go the next day
2. Lay out my clothing (workout) for the week
3. Make sure I have healthy snacks at work

And finally, I'm going to stop stressing about whether I got the position or not.  It's not that big a deal if I didn't - I love my current job.  If I did get the new one, then that's great too.  I cannot let my work stresses (or cravings for Mexican food!) derail me.  I am back, dammit, and my body's going to fall in.  I refuse to live my life as a fat person any more.  That's not who I am on the inside, and it's time for me to be a true reflection of myself.

fat diary

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