Tweety Birds

Aug 14, 2008 14:22

I'm really not sure what the deal is with the "Twitter" thing.  It seems as though we have undergone a massive ego boost, propagated by Facebook and MySpace.  It started with the "status" message on Facebook: Katherine is:__________.  Then, MySpace picked it up, and let us add little smiley/frowny icons.  Now, if I so choose, I can "Twitter"!  What excitement!  What progress!  What bullshit.

Now I have one more way to let everyone who so chooses know exactly what I'm doing every time I update.  And I can do it from anywhere!   Many times in a given day!  Who in the bloody, blistering hell cares what I'm doing at any given moment of the day?  No one, that's who.  And here's a secret for you - they don't care what you're doing, either.  They've only subscribed to you so that you'll subscribe to them, and they can be the most popular!  Now look - Twitter has created "celebrities", like MySpace did for Ms. Tequila.

On the off chance that someone does wish to know what you are doing, no longer do they have to press the speed-dial button to make the call to find out, or zap off an email.  Nope - now they can receive 500 text messages a day, and read them at their leisure.  Gone are the days when you actually had to make some contact with a person.  Here are the days when technology erases all human interaction.

Don't get me wrong - I still love all of you "Twitterers" (or as I like to privately refer to you, "Twits").  I'm just afraid for the children I'll never have, and the nieces and nephews that I already do have.  Will they ever be taught in school how to properly write a letter?  I remember that from elementary school.  (Of course, Microsoft Word takes care of all the pesky details like formatting now, and even suggests what you should say.)  Will the children of the future even be taught to WRITE?  Or will they pop out of the womb and be issued a QWERTY keyboard?  Will they understand the value of having a private life, or will their every thought and emotion be broadcast via text message and email?

Are we giving birth to a generation who will be more selfish, more self-serving, more self-involved, and more egocentric than even we are?

God, I hope not.
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