Here's to staying busy...apparently, it keeps you young.

May 22, 2008 13:40

Wow, is business booming today!  So booming that I've had time to re-read all my journal entries for the last two years, as well as all of Nicolas' ( kingnick).  It's always a treat to look back at yourself, and think, "Wow, I was really naive," or "Hrm, I actually was kinda funny back then."

So booming that Suellen's actually taken the day off, and is messing around in her (adorable) vegetable garden while wearing rain boots.  :-D  In other interesting tidbits, she was told by her doctor this morning to "avoid using" her elbow.  Which begs the questions, how often do you actually use your elbow?

Now, that's not to say that I haven't been interrupted from my time-travels by exactly three customers, whose gross total each came to less than thirty dollars.  Because I have.

There was also the centurion who, smelling vaguely of basil and pistachios, rudely interrupted my assisting a customer to demand, "Where is Suellen?"  I inform her that it is Suellen's day off, so I don't know where she is.  (I do.  See above.)  I ask if I can help her with anything, and she inquires as to the consignment process.  Instead of directing her to the obviously displayed, typed and folded flyers that detail the consignment process, I broke it down for her verbally, including the need to make an appointment for your first time.  She then demanded (again), "Where is Suellen?  When will she be back?"  Instead of telling her that she could jump off a cliff, I told her again that it was Suellen's day off, I didn't know when she'd be back, and that as the manager, I could help her with anything she needed.  She sniffed, and said she'd call Suellen.  I don't care, but it's irking.  I mean, c'mon.  Just because it's called Suellen's Secret doesn't mean that Suellen is the only one here who can deal with consignors!  You'd be amazed at how many people think that.
The reason for the lackage of warm bodies is clear, at least to some - there is construction on Zaragoza Street (where the store is located) where it intersects with Florida-Blanca Street.  For those of you who don't know, that's a little further down from us.  This blockage of the intersection due to construction means that our section of Zaragoza is now a two-way street instead of one-way.  In my humble (and unsolicited) opinion, this makes getting to and from our store easier, because one is not forced to go left, when right is so much closer.  One can now go right!  And no one can stop one!  Most exciting.  Our neighboring businesses, however, are not happy, because they feel that the construction is hindering business.  I think it's the crappy economy, and the fact that most of us are getting closer to the dreaded Big BD on the calendar - Bills Due days.  I know I am.  It's funny, because sometimes when I add it up, I'm going to be about $10 short of paying all my bills; other days, I'll have a $56 excessage of funds.  Wee-eird.

So, who wants an update about my life?  You?  Great.  Click there.

Where to begin?  I have four less teeth.  I'm not going to miss them, because they were giving me headaches, not more smartness.  I had oral surgery on Friday morning to remove the impacted wisdom teeth, and then spent most of that day sleeping and drooling blood.  Ewwwww.  My tongue was numb, as was the area from my bottom lip all the way down my chin and under my face.  After a nap, my tongue came back to life, but my lip/chin did NOT.  I was afraid that I was going to be rockin' the half-Angelina face forever, but it finally went back to normal around 11 pm Friday.  However, even with the ice packs, the Lortabs, the anti-inflammatory meds, and bed rest, I still managed to look like (as Nathan so lovingly put it) "a round-faced, rosy-cheeked Mrs. Claus!"  The swelling continued through Tuesday, when it finally started to go down.  However, soups and broths and pudding got old FAST.  After Nathan, Scott and I spent an exhausting Sunday morning getting new phones, I stopped at Grover's and got 10 chicken fingers rolled in "HOT" sauce (not fire - that'd be pushing it).  I had to mash them up and chew them in tiny little bites, using only my front teeth, but I had real food, dammit.

Took Monday and Tuesday off from work due to swelling and pain, unfortunately, so my check this week will be, once again, small.  Le sigh.

Let's see, next we have the new house.  I am really excited about moving in and getting some stuff started, like a garden of my own.  Our goal is to be completely moved in by this weekend.  Dunno if that's going to happen for Mr. Procrastination, but I will definitely be in there.  We're moving in slowly - take a few boxes (or a truck full), unpack them, use the same boxes to pack more stuff.  I hope it continues to work out like that.  I've got half of the kitchen already arranged, since I was left alone there for the better part of an hour and a half on Saturday.  It  feels very much like "home".  It's not the newest house, and the bathrooms are this big, but it is nice.  We're not going to buy it, mainly because of the bathroom size and the fact that we can't afford to knock out a wall and expand, but it'll be a great place to begin cohabitating, officially.  (For those of you who don't know - Nick and Adam - in order to get to the shower in the "master" bathroom, you must step. over. the. toilet.  Seriously, I'm not kidding.)

Then, we have my insane schedule for the month of June.  I'm gearing up for it, because it's going to be fun and busy.  What am I doing, you ask?  Thanks for asking.  Here it is:  May 31st (which might as well be June) I have Anita's bridal shower, in Gainesville.  Which means that I'll be in Gainesville until June 1st.  Back to work for a week, then on Friday 6/6, Mom and Sammie pick me up to travel to Hattiesburg, MS for my cousin Matthew's wedding on the 7th.  On the 8th, we'll leave Hattiesburg, make a stop in Pensacola, and then travel back to Trenton to spend the night.  Mom and I will then be driving to Orlando on the 9th, and catching a plane to Aguadilla, Puerto Rico.  Then I'll relax - maybe - for a week, before jumping back into wedding details for Anita.  We return on the 16th of June, and my days after that will be filled with last-minute disasters and planned disasters (hair trials, nails, joint bachelor/ette party, rehearsal and dinner, hair, wedding, reception).  Nathan will join me in Trenton on the night of the 18th, so he'll get to partake in some of the fun.  The Sunday after the wedding (June 22nd), we'll drive back to Pensacola, and then it's back to work full force as Suellen takes the weekend off to go to NARTS in Indianapolis.
So, that's about it.  Forgot to eat lunch until about 2 pm.  Invited Adam over to see the house tonight.  Nick, wanna hang out sometime between June 16th and June 18th?  We can celebrate your birthday (late, I know).  Also, wanna come to the bach party on June 19th?  It'll be out in Archer at the happy couple's new place, but we can crash there.  It'll be fun, and you know Anita and Tony (vaguely).  It'd be nice to have a familiar face there.

That's it for now, friends.  Love, peace, chicken grease.

Woo, narcotics are not for me.  They make my head spin and float.  I don't even know what quixotic means, but the little happy dude looks like I feel.
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