Completely addictive! I watched the whole show in a week. I'm a history geek, so I looooooove all the political/papal intrigue, but not as much as I love the badass ladies and my babies Lucrezia and Cesare.
Lucrezia is my favorite by far. I love watching her reactions to things, because she's so passionate and clever. And what I find interesting/frustrating about the show is that you can know if you look on the wiki (or, um, get Borgia biographies on your kindle) but sometimes they're like HISTORY WHATEVER.
I started a Lucrezia Borgia biography and I was like, flailing at all the interesting trivia that I was learning because I am the dorkiest person to exist. And I got the books because the wiki wasn't enough for me and my thirst for ALL THE DETAILS
It's kind of addictive. I'm staying away from season 2 or forget about it, I'm in for the whole season. So weird. I don't care about the papacy!
I think I watch it just for Lucrezia. And I honestly never know what's going to happen next on that show.
Lucrezia is my favorite by far. I love watching her reactions to things, because she's so passionate and clever. And what I find interesting/frustrating about the show is that you can know if you look on the wiki (or, um, get Borgia biographies on your kindle) but sometimes they're like HISTORY WHATEVER.
(I looked it up too, but on Wikipedia. :-))
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