(no subject)

Feb 26, 2013 15:51

Hello LJ! It has been quite an eventful few days!

First off, I had a wonderful trip to Ottawa! It was very, very cold, but I was... somewhat prepared for this, and aaaaah seeing my friends, IT WAS THE BEST! So much chatting! The consumption of Canadian cuisine! We went to two museums, including one in Quebec-- and, like, when you live in a state like Florida, where it takes literally six hours to just get out of the peninsula, being able to get to another province in mere moments is a huge deal-- where there was an interesting voodoo exhibit, and also the museum of civilization in Ottawa, where there was this truly excellent dance party on Friday night, so Tess and Hannah and I got dressed up and had drinks and food there and also saw super cool exhibits made all the more interesting by being tipsy and with people who were equally as amused as you were. Also, the two of them bowed to the pressure of my constant picture-taking, so we got a lot of great pictures of us hiding from polar bears or in models of boats and submarines and touching REAL DINOSAUR BONES.

Also it turns out that while in America, we say "garlic and herb," as the good Lord intended, in Canada they say "herb and garlic," which, if you don't see it written, sounds an awful lot like "urban garlic" to the point where, for example, if you're hearing a discussion about bagels at Tim Horton's, you think this is just some sort of things Canadians like, urban garlic, like it's a breed of it or something.

So my friends were wonderful hostesses and took wonderful care of me and I had a spectacular trip!

Sunday night I got home very late, caught the end of the Oscars, and completely lost track of time so I wound up going to bed very late...

... and of course was called in to substitute. But no worries! I was only going to be a kindergarten aide, which means you like, file and cut things out and walk the kids places. Totally not stressful! And it wasn't, until about 8:45, when the teacher I was assisting got a phone call that her grandmother died, and therefore had to leave. (AS A SIDEBAR, how is this the second time I have been around someone I'm not even close to when they received a phone call that a loved one has died? HOW?) so then I was the real teacher for twenty-one five and six year olds! Here is the difference between first grade and kindergarten: EVERYTHING. Like, just having one year under their belts of schooling makes everything soooo much easier.

The highlights were:
- Two kids being sent to the nurse with injuries because they were ramming around, including one who tripped over his own feet and made such a huge noise knocking into the wall that the principal walked out
- One little girl wetting herself an hour after I had taken everyone to the bathroom and ten minutes before dismissal
- Being told by several children that I was really nice and another one that I was very pretty
- and constant, constant tattling, including "[so and so] called me a tattletale!" It was so hard not to be like, "are you not proving them correct at this very moment?

The, uh, most important thing, though, happened at lunch. I go to the teachers' lounge and I take out my phone to check my email and I see one from a name I don't recognize that says "Official Letter of Acceptance." My reaction was literally "acceptance to what?" because I couldn't think of anything. So then I click on it and it says University of Florida and I was like, unable to breathe and my whole body went numb and I was positive I was misreading things so I clicked on the attachment and sure enough, it was real, and, um, I GOT INTO GRAD SCHOOL






The program starts in early May because you do some summer classes and then you take classes/intern at schools during the school year, and it's a year long and then I will have a straight up degree in something employable and aaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!


hannah gets me, canada trip of gloryyyyyyyy, tess is awesome, uf, adventures in substituting

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