(no subject)

Jul 03, 2010 21:18

Taken from the lovely ivanolix:

Post, in your journal, a rec list singling out the best of your own fics. Tell people why you are especially proud of those particular fics, and of course provide links to them. Yes, that's right, this step involves self-promotion. How else are people supposed to find your fics? List as many or as few as you feel appropriate to represent your body of writing.

Also include a paragraph about the types of fics you most enjoy reading or are most interested in reading in the immediate future -- favorite tropes, pairings, fandoms, whatever. If you're particularly lazy, link to that Dear Writer post you did for whatever holiday exchange comes to mind.

Reply to other rec posts (like for example the one you are reading now) by reccing a fic of your own that might fit the original poster's tastes, or that you'd just really like them to read, because maybe they don't know they'd like it.

This goes against everything I hold dear, to promote myself, but I'm going to give it a shot!

Special Protection- Alias, Syd, Jack, Irina, Simon Walker- I always thought it was kind of silly to assume that any governmental body could get the jump on Jack without his wanting them to- unless it was Sydney who engineered his capture for her own reasons. Also, this allowed me to play with Syd during the Lost Years when she was off being the fabulous Julia Thorne with her boyfriend Simon Walker, and the way I wrote it- kind of broken up into pieces- was a new technique. Anyway, I really like this one.

Nobody Lives Forever- Alias, Syd, Danny, Will, Francie- I usually don't think I'm capable of writing witty banter, but I think I did a pretty good job here. However, because I am me, there is the underlying "ooooh noooo" aspect because a full half of the people in this fic die terrible deaths later. However! At this point, they're all just sitting around, being adorable, and Syd and Danny are together, and Syd's actually with her friends, and I really like this one.

Easy Listening- Alias, Jack/Irina- This actually loosely ties in to Nobody Lives Forever, which I don't think I planned! Anyway, this was how I fixed Irina's actions in the finale, because otherwise I couldn't live with it. Plus, it puts Jack and Irina together in the afterlife, which is... my goal in life. And there's a lot of dialogue, which is very rare for me.

beyond this place of wrath and tears- Battlestar Galactica, Gaius/Gina- I kind of fell into writing this after my ability to write porn failed me once again, and I got a lot of feelings instead, but I really like it because it's all about Gina. She's one of my favorite Sixes, and definitely one of the more intriguing ones (possibly the most intriguing one, actually) and I regularly wonder about her thoughts and motives and what she was thinking, especially when she was on Cloud 9.

and the dish ran away with the spoon- Battlestar Galactica, Adama/Roslin- This is my favorite of all the A/R fics I wrote because I really like exploring the idea of Laura being so in between worlds that she could, um, see their past lives together? Because I am a big old softy. Also I think it's kind of charming that Laura is like, mumbling nonsense and Bill is indulging her because he loves her.

the sinews of thy heart- Battlestar Galactica, Caprica, Ellen- I feel like I hardly ever write fics without any kind of shipping involved, so this fic really stands out. This is fic was also my way of dealing with how TPTB totally ignored this potentially rich situation.

The Gold and the Grey- Battlestar Galactica, Gaius/Caprica, Leoben, Kacey- New Caprica is pretty much my favorite time period in the BSGverse to explore, because I feel that there is so much room for interpretation and guessing what happened, and I love coming up with reasons for how things unfolded the way they did- in this case, how Kacey wound up in Leoben's care. And I love my OTP the most.

A Very Adama-Roslin Solstice Part One and Part Two- Battlestar Galactica- Laura, Bill, Gaius, Caprica, Lee, Sharon, Kara, Saul and Ellen Tigh- This is actually my favorite fic of everything I've ever written. I just... let myself go and had so much fun that it actually put me in the holiday mood for the first time in a while. Also, it's totally a totally cracky AU, and I don't do those too often.

Types of fic that I like... well, I like anything that makes me feel something strongly, be it happiness or emotional destruction. I love stories about my ships, or the relationships I like- friendships and families. I love fics that fill in the gaps, or explain how things happened, or why things are the way they are. I love lots and lots of details and backstories. And I'm known for my fondness for cracky AUs.

(Now please, everyone, do this meme so I don't feel conceited.)

fics, meme, alias, bsg

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