(no subject)

Mar 28, 2010 15:50

I think I'm so much dorkier now that I forget that things I used to like were actually dorky too, just not as dorky.

Example: The other day in my French Lit class, we read a story about a guy who put a wedding ring on the finger of a statue; said statue decided that meant they were married, curled her fist around the ring and wouldn't give it back, and then killed the guy when he married his actual living bride. Before class, Melissa and two other girls and I were discussing how inanimate objects coming alive is THE SCARIEST THING EVER OMG. One of the girls, Sarah, brought up the RL Stein Goosebumps book, and how the ones about the ventriloquist dummy scared the crap out of her.

To add to the conversation, I think of the episode of Buffy (the only one that I absolutely couldn't watch,) the one with the ventriloquist dummy. When he showed up in her window, independent of humans, I was done. This discussion went like this.

Me: I know, right! When I was watching an episode of Buffy-
Everyone else: [Laugh loudly]
Me: ... Oh, that's dorky, isn't it.
Melissa: A little bit.

I guess I figure now that I have embraced BSG so fully, and that now I am like, a legit nerd, I forget that Buffy wasn't exactly mainstream.

In addition to this epiphany, I have come to the conclusion that from now on I should not join any challenges or anything without, like, a permission slip being signed by something more mentally capable than me. WHY DID I THINK I COULD HANDLE A REMIX ASSIGNMENT. I CAN'T EVEN WRITE MY OWN IDEAS, WHY WOULD I OFFER TO MESS WITH SOMEONE'S ACTUALLY REALIZED AND FULLY FORMED IDEAS? I am made of so much fail.

i am a dork, bsg, buffy

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