(no subject)

Mar 21, 2010 02:01

So, I've decided that I want to talk about the finale, and by "talk about the finale and its one year anniversary," I mean, "I want to talk about where our little chickadees are one year later." So!

Gaius is The King of the Farmers!

He is very helpful because there weren't too many people who had legit knowledge of farming and crops and whatnot. So he's kind of a minor celeb again. He has a different kind of fanclub now, if you will. I'd like to think he reacts to this with dignity and grace, and teaches his fellow farmers techniques. (And Caprica is delighted because it's her boo being both helpful and using his brain for good and not evil!)

Caprica is totally knocked up, if not already a mom

I don't think I much need to explain how wonderful of a thing this is in my mind. A baby with her bien-aimé! One that she might actually never put down. She is living the dream.

The Baltars live in an on-land version of Robinson Crusoe's Treehouse

Gaius is totally a genius, and if we assume that Lee didn't toss everything into the sun, we can figure that there are some material Gaius can use to create water-powered fans and lemon-squeezers or whatever other marvels that man had.

Cottle is training people to be doctors

So there is a group of people with an interest in medicine who aren't damned fools taking turns with Cottle and Ishay and learning medicine, among them, interested Cylons. And it's awesome!

Lee has returned from his sojourn!

And is now starting up a hesitant but cute flirtation with Sonja.

Sonja is the Queen the mayor of their settlement!

Or whatever one would call someone who tries to keep things organized in their little fledgling town. Everyone likes her secretly because she is super awesome.

Bill is not totally cut off from the world!

His cabin is a bit remote, but he still trods down the mountain every so often, especially now that his boy is back. Plus, his BFF is around. They hang out a lot.

The Tighs are totally the Joneses of the Settlement

The Cylon contingent are mainly OMG OMG CELEBS!!! <3 about them and Ellen likes seeing her kids and talking them and being happy that they're around. It kind of unsettles Tigh. So he goes up to see Bill. He is getting better about his Cylon kids being delighted at seeing him, though, if only out of sheer survival.

and most importantly...

Hera Learned a Very Valuable Lesson in not Running Off without an Adult

Sure, she learned that lesson because she probably almost got eaten by a wild animal or something, but still. We all must learn at some point that when you run off, PEOPLE. DIE.

What do you all think is going on in the little settlements around the world of Colonials and Cylons?

gaius, red, cottle, papadama, leemosaur, the tighs, cylons, bsg

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