Elle est une vampire, fils!

Mar 18, 2010 16:41

"Si tu veux être à moi, je te ferai plus heureux que Dieu lui-même dans son paradis; les anges te jalouseront. [...] Je suis la beauté, je suis la jeunesse, je suis la vie; viens à moi, nous serons l'amour. Que pourrait t'offrir Jéhovah pour compensation? Notre existence coulera comme un rêve et ne sera qu'un baiser éternel."

"'If you will be mine, I shall make you happier than God Himself in His paradise; the angels themselves will be jealous of you. [...] I am Beauty, I am Youth, I am Life. Come to me! Together we shall be Love. What can Jehovah offer you in exchange? Our lives will flow on like a dream, in one eternal kiss.'"

So, I'm going to be honest here: I very rarely read for class. Ever. Unless I have a presentation, or an assignment that I have to turn in.

Today, my professor had asked us to either bring in the book/get the book from the library/photocopy the pages/whatever so that we had the text physically with us. I forgot this until I was on campus this morning, so I went to the library to check it out.

I go to class, completely unprepared for the joy I was about to experience.

For one, La Morte Amoureuse, by Gautier is a story about a priest. A PRIEST WHO FALLS IN LOVE WITH A VAMPIRE. The vampire is described as being the most beautiful, perfect, gorgeous and tall woman ever; I, of course, pictured a Six. Then my prof says, "You know how he compares her to a painting of the Madonna?" and we all nod, "Well... I always picture her as Madonna-Madonna."

So, if we hadn't already been enjoying it, this would've clinched it.

From then, the story just got better and better. He finds out she's a vampire, he is horrified. He tries to escape, she finds him in Italy where... he is a priest by day, vampire-lover by night. And he's totally thinking this is cool! His BFF and mentor, the abbott Sérapion is all, dude, for one, you are a priest, so you shouldn't have a girlfriend at all. SECONDLY SHE IS A VAMPIRE, WHAT IS YOUR DAMAGE.

This was so seriously the best story I've ever read for class, and possibly ever. At first when it was revealed that this story involved vampires, I was like, oh, when the semester ends, I'll send my copy to Tess, she'll enjoy it. Then I fell irrevocably in love with the story- she drinks a few drops of his blood tenderly, savoring it "like a gourmet!" and Melissa and I were hysterical reading the various details and complete idiocy of the priest in love- and I was like, hugging it to my chest. I did literally draw hearts in my notebook about this.

So. For those of you who want to read it- and let's face it, you all must!- here is the link to the text in English, for some reason called Clarimonde.

Also, I have no vampire icon, so have a Maenad instead.

melissa, french, vampires

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