Day 15 → A fanfic
I absolutely could not pick one. Also, it's a lot harder to me to find all the Alias fic I love, because when I first started reading it, I wasn't obsessive about keeping track of things. I mean, website archives were around forever, right? WRONG. Sometimes they disappeared, and took all the fic with it
Also, while compiling this list (namely, going to get the link for Jodhpur,) I found out that I favorited a BSG fic in 2007 on ff.n. And not just any BSG fic- a Gaius/Six BSG fic. In 2007. By an author who I have since seen on LJ, but I don't know her, and I didn't follow any of the other fandoms she wrote for on ff.n, and ESSENTIALLY THIS IS A BIG OLD MASSIVE MYSTERY and it is making me insane. HOW DID IT HAPPEN? Did I watch the entire series and then just forget it because I was... given selective amnesia? What is this nonsense!
Anyway. Fics!
The Prophet's Right Hand by
yahtzee63The premise is this: what if Jack had been assigned to spy on Irina in the USSR? And it totally changes everything- except for what is constant, like LOVE. Every fic Yahtzee writes is amazing, but I think this one is my favorite.
Jodhpur by darkstar
This was one of the first Alias fics I ever read, and it's just... striking. It's gritty and real and amazing, and I'm actually a bit shocked I liked this when I was sixteen.
Jack/Nadia (shut up.)
Platinum by
yahtzee63Or maybe this one. Yahtzee is too talented. Also, Jack/Nadia isn't even a guilty pleasure, it's a straight-up fantastic pleasure.
Also, this is really hard, so I'm limiting my BSG fics to like... five. I have so much fannish love for this show it's sick.
Battlestar Galactica
Keep You So by
dollsomeI am not reccing this because Nita is a friend of mine, I am reccing it because it's one of the greatest Gaius/Caprica fics I've ever read. I'm rating these by the amount of times I've read them- because when I love fics passionately I reread them over and over. This is one I hit again and again because it is pitch-perfect from beginning to end. Oh them.
The Life Within by
millarificIt's kind of babyfic, which, oh, I know- I am a huge snob about it too. It is not at all what you expect. It is perfect and aching and achingly strong.
Ear Tuned To The Roar by
inlovewithnightThis fic. For one thing, it manages to be all about Helo without any Eights, which is basically all I ask for. And it features a Six instead! Christmas in a fic form. And Lee, being Lee-like. It really is ingeniously done- what parts of us make us humans and them Cylons? Is that all that we are?- and I couldn't recommend it any higher.
Like Rogue Unicorns by
nicole_anellDo you like crackfic? Yes? Then this is what you need in your life.
The name of this story is your name. by
beccatoriaI can't even explain this story. It's so sweeping and powerful and I read it months ago and I still think about it. Fics that involve an actual plot and passage of time always impress me, because I utterly fail at that sort of thing, but this one is so effortless and beautiful and yet rich and deep in meaning. Fantastic.
THIS IS LIKE 1/13138247 OF ALL THE FICS I LOVE. Impossible assignment.