
Feb 09, 2010 22:46

This is really effing had, because I don't really have one.

Day 05 → Your favorite quote Your favorite quote at the moment for your current favorite ship"Back on Caprica, before the attack ... and sometimes I forget there a world before the attack ... I knew someone-- a woman, unlike any other woman I'd ever known. She was unique-- beautiful, ( Read more... )

gaius, red, big epic meme

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dollsome February 10 2010, 06:23:26 UTC
I loved when this happened SO MUCH I COULDN'T EVEN BELIEVE IT.


sunshine_queen February 10 2010, 06:45:09 UTC
I LOVE IT EVER SO. Gaius, and emotions, and love! <3


dollsome February 10 2010, 06:46:58 UTC
Iiiiii know! I felt sort of guilty for shipping them so much for a really long time, and this was the first time where it really felt like BUT NO, HERE YOU GO, THIS IS EMOTIONALLY LEGIT TO DO. And it was like, AIRPUNCH! And then so soon after, "Downloaded" and Caprica with her head!Gaius and seriously, this ship is the bomb. I am pretty sure no other ship is quite as thorough in terms of the many ways in which it exists. If that makes any sense at all. But they are like a nonstop cornucopia of shippy fun.


sunshine_queen February 10 2010, 06:57:21 UTC
Once I came around and actually started paying attention to them, I was blown away by all the emotions and depth and feelings presented by them. HOW ARE THEY SO GOOD IT IS UNTOWARD. And yeah, I know what you mean: there's the legit corporeal couple, there's Gaius and Red, there's Caprica and HeadGaius, there's Gaius getting it on with at least two other Sixes... it's amazing. And they pretty much are exactly what you said- cornucopia of shiptastic joy and pretty.


dollsome February 10 2010, 06:59:10 UTC
I so wish I could do a rewatch, but just The Gaius And Six Show! I mean, everything's good (mostly in a hella depressing way), but The Gaius And Six Show is so where it's at for me.

However, I will use this Kara & Samders icon to try to create the illusion that I am well-rounded, Bstarwise.


sunshine_queen February 10 2010, 07:02:27 UTC
Doooo it. It is so amazing. If you get one disc of Netflix at a time it's only $8 a month!

I shall use an icon of THE TIGHS because they are my #2 ship and I love them and want to follow suit in pretending to be well-rounded.


dollsome February 10 2010, 07:04:24 UTC
Remember when Adama/Roslin was your ship-shaped jam?! To think they've been usurped by not one but TWO other ships! Oh the times, they are a-chaaaangin'!

(I may drag this comment conversation on forever so as not to write the paper I have to present in class tomorrow. The one that's supposed to be 1,000 words, and I only have 350 and am humanly incapable of coming up with any more, and basically, SCREW YOU, SAURON, FOR RUINING MY LIFE. Like you hadn't wreaked enough devastation already!)


sunshine_queen February 10 2010, 07:12:29 UTC
I do, and it's so weird, because I can remember the shipping and like, remember my reasoning, but almost all the emotion that I had invested in it- which was a lot!- is completely gone. And that's never happened before, I've never moved on from a ship and felt completely apathetic to it afterwards. And they've actually been usurped by three ships, actually. Gaius/Six, THE TIGHS, and Samders/Kara. They're #4. And only then because AHC loses her shit and has Gina, um, tortured and stuff, and then Gina kills her ass. (IT'S COMPLICATED.)

KEEP COMMENTING. I shouldn't encourage you, but I hardly ever get to talk about G/6. It's depressing. I HAVE SO MUCH LOVE.


dollsome February 10 2010, 07:16:56 UTC
Haha, I feel like I understand the feeling you're describing so well, and yet I can't pinpoint where I've felt it! Actually, it reminds me a lot of my current Lost situation, where: they screwed over Kate/Sawyer totally, brought Sawyer/Juliet out of left field and had it be awesome, and then screwed over Sawyer/Juliet royally. And somewhere throughout that insanity, I swore off Kate/Sawyer forever. Except now Lost is back, and I'm like, Screw all my past righteous anger and vindictiveness, I love Kate/Sawyer, I have always loved Kate/Sawyer, I will always love Kate/Sawyer, whatever to the haters! Even though I was one of the haters? I don't know.

But I totally get that feeling of utter No Longer Caring where once you cared a great deal, but it's just like, whatever!

(I am so eloquent. Seriously, how am I NOT writing this paper.)

AHC and Gina sound like something I would draw hearts around in my notebook. Considering, you know, me. Really, Gaius/Six is totally messed up but also impressively functional considering my usual shipping ( ... )


sunshine_queen February 10 2010, 07:24:38 UTC

I practically do draw hearts around AHC and Gina. Did you ever watch Razor? There is this scene where AHC is having dinner in her quarters for a few of the officers and Kendra Shaw, and then Gina walks in and AHC, no exaggeration, lights up. It's really subtly done but it is just amazing, and, of course, that just gives me room to extrapolate and I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH, and what's sick is that I know it goes to hell, pretty much worse than every other ship in the history of stories. Like, they could write a bad romance, only they do not want one another's revenge- one is repeated rape and torture, the other is... getting shot in the face. BUT AT ONE POINT, THEY MADE EACH OTHER DELIGHTFULLY HAPPY, and Gina was a spylon and AHC is AHC! IT IS SO TRAGIC AND AMAZING ( ... )


dollsome February 10 2010, 07:35:07 UTC
Maybe I should just read these comments out loud in class tomorrow instead! Ha ha ha, yeah, suck it, Tolkien class! We're talkin' BStar now! I predict Russell, at least, would be enthusiastic about it.

I did watch part of Razor! I watched it all the way 'til AHC found out that Gina was a spylon, and then there was sadness, and also, Russell had to go home and I wasn't really following any of the plot stuff that was going on! But: I saw The Frustratingly Subtle Yet Awesome Romance of AHC & Gina. And you know I am so all over that! Why do I love it when people betray each other so much! It's so gross! The SpyRents, and Guy/Marian, and DeWitt/Dominic -- what is it about me that is so besotted with the notion of people lying to each other a lot? It's worrying, right ( ... )


sunshine_queen February 10 2010, 07:45:45 UTC
Hey, I'm sure your class would appreciate it. It's a Tolkien class. You've kind of hedged your bets already, if you catch my drift.

Eh, basically that's all of Razor you need to see to appreciate the tragic glory that is AHC/Gina. I find my proclivity for lying and betrayal a bit unnerving- even Gaius/Caprica have it going on- but I choose to file it under "I like fictionaln angst" and leave it at that.

Aww, Caprica/Tigh. My thing about them is that... well, I love Caprica. And I want her to be happy. And Tigh kind of did? Tigh gave her a baby for however brief a period, and that was totally the high point of her life up until then. ALSO they're one half of my two favorite couples and they make the awesomest crack pairing ever. Now, I wouldn't take them over Gaius/Caprica and THE TIGHS, but I like them well enough.

... Is one of the times they touched when the spylon had a gun on Adelle DeWitt? If so: Oh, Nita.


dollsome February 10 2010, 08:00:26 UTC
Yeah, Caprica/Tigh was sort of okay! Like, that's almost my biggest problem with it. They were all smiley and YAY BABY and I was just like, 'How in the world did we get here and WHY AM I FEELING HAPPINESS AMIDST THIS CRAZY.' I still feel like that is the actual weirdest thing Bstar ever did to me, though.

... Is one of the times they touched when the spylon had a gun on Adelle DeWitt? If so: Oh, Nita.



sunshine_queen February 10 2010, 16:32:26 UTC
THAT IS JUST HOW BSG WORKS. You're like, I'm not sure how I got so thoroughly emotionally manipulated but I am happy to be so?

WHEN IS THE OTHER TIME. Because if I missed it I'll be sad.


dollsome February 10 2010, 22:27:07 UTC


nicole_anell February 10 2010, 07:06:21 UTC
and this was the first time where it really felt like BUT NO, HERE YOU GO, THIS IS EMOTIONALLY LEGIT TO DO. And it was like, AIRPUNCH!


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