(no subject)

Jan 17, 2010 19:58

So, I watched Blade Runner. The last time I did this I was like... fifteen? I watched it because Harrison Ford was in it, and I remember that Sean Young was a robot who didn't know it and being really creeped out.

The movie continues to creep me out. Unfortunately, I found myself watching it this time on Team Robot, because the robots want to do two things: (1) Not be slaves and (2) Not die. Which, you know, is understandable on both counts. The other problem I had is that Harrison Ford, love him though I do, sucked in this movie. He spent the whole time barely acting, or looking semi-surprised. Or pained. Or there was the one time he was yelling at Sean Young to repeat after him creepy things and not letting her leave his apt and basically went all Edward Cullen on her ass and it was weird.

Also, Edward James Olmos looked really bizarre. He was dressed like a wicked awesome pimp- complete with cane and hat!- but he barely spoke. He basically drove Harrison around and said creepy thing and made tiny origami animals. And had crazy blue eyes- like, ice blue- and a very strange voice. I ONLY WANT MY COMFORTING PAPADAMA.

Considering this was supposed to be like... a good movie (right? isn't it?) it's really interesting that there's... not really a story. Like, there's a little info scroll at the beginning, and you know what's going on, but the only side I felt was fleshed out was... the robot side. Because Rutger Hauer was in love with Darryl Hannah and wanted to save her. (IT WAS LEGIT ADORBS.) Other than that it was like, Harrison Ford quits and is brought back to do the job he quits and falls in love with another robot for... reasons we don't understand and kills robots and makes weird faces.

And there was a sad little side story involving the Sheriff of Bon Temps who made creepy as living toys. The whole movie was bizarre. I heard that Tricia Helfer was told to watch this (Darryl Hannah's role in particular) to prepare for Six and... boy, could that have gone terribly wrong.

Also, I just turned on Fox so I wouldn't forget to watch Human Target, and who should I see but President Adar on 24! Hey buddy. But check it! Tricia is going to make this face:

Bitch, please.

And who doesn't miss Tricia on their TV?

my tv girlfriend tricia helfer, papadama

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